Andrew Kittrell


Andrew is 14 years old. He was born with Amniotic Band Syndrome which resulted in the congenital loss of his left leg below the knee, a right club foot, as well as affecting the fingers on both hands. He has undergone 7 surgeries since birth, none of which have stopped him from accomplishing anything that he wants! Read More…


Artis Thompson III

Artis Thompson III

American Ninja Warrior

Artis Thompson III grew up in a single parent home where he watched his mom work two jobs to support him and his three siblings. He learned the meaning of hard work at a young age and applies those lessons today as a personal trainer, a semi-pro football player, and a participant on American Ninja Warrior. Read More…


Chris Madison

Chris Madison



Courtney Baker


After completing her first semester of college at Asbury University, Courtney packed her car and was headed home for Christmas break on December 13, 2012. On the way home, she fell asleep at the wheel and hit a guard rail head on. Read More…


Daryl Farler


Daryl joined ABR in January of 2011. In 2006 he was scratched by his dog in the corner of his left eye and contracted a virus that caused septic shock. This resulted in the loss of both his legs below the knee, multiple fingers, and sight in one eye. Read More…


DJ Vanderwerf

Basketball & Football

People call him “DJ” and he was born in Bradenton, Florida in October 1997. He had a birth defect known as fibular hemimelia, which required amputation of his left foot when he was nine months old. He got his first prosthesis when he was ten months old, and he started walking unassisted a few months later. Read More…


Eric Johnson

Track and Field

Eric has been an amputee since the age of 5. His left foot was run over by a speeding van while crossing a gravel alley behind his home. From that time onward, he has never let his injury affect his athletic aspirations. As a child, he continued to be involved in numerous athletic activities such as football, basketball, swimming, hockey, baseball, tennis, and Tae Kwon Do, while aspiring to be the best athlete he could be regardless of any physical disabilities. Read More…


Jacob Rainey


Jacob has been an amputee for a little over 2 years. He lost his leg in a football injury when he severed his popliteal artery and medical complications followed. From day one of his injury, his goal has been to return to the football field and play quarterback, the position that I had grown to love and excel at prior to his injury. Read More…


Joel Black

Climbing & Outdoors

An avid outdoorsman, Joel is a 36 year old originally from Pennsylvania. He has been a below the knee amputee for 17 years after losing his leg due to a rock climbing accident in college. Since losing his leg, Joel has finished college and traveled all over the country, as well as internationally. Read More…


Kenny Green


Kenny Green is a left symes amputee and has been with Amputee Blade Runners since November of 2011. ABR’s support of a running leg has allowed him to already compete in three 5K races and two 1/2 marathons. Read More…


Nicklaus Toedebusch

Nicklaus Toedebusch

Cross Country & Wrestling


Raegan Becquet

Raegan Becquet



Ryan Fann

Track and Field

Ryan Fann was born in Georgia, and he lost his left foot at the age of 3. His parents quickly realized that this wasn’t as much of setback in his life as they anticipated. Pee Wee football began at the age of 5 for him, and every other sport you can think of followed. Growing up, he was always active and competitive. His only setback was that his prothesis would break quite often due to the extreme forces he put it through. Read More…


Sabrina Reiswig


Travis Mace


Travis joined ABR in September of 2013. He lost his left leg below the knee in 2011 due to an infection that had gotten into his bone in 2010. Travis’s leg was so badly infected that the bone snapped one morning as he was getting out of bed. After having the infected leg removed, he was determined to achieve running and cycling goals. Read More…


Troy Cronin

Track and Field

Troy Cronin is currently a junior at Northampton high school. When he was almost two years old he was infected with bacterial Meningitis. Doctors gave him a ten percent chance of surviving his first night, but with the support of many doctors and his family he survived and just a year later he was fitted for his first pair of prosthetics at Shriners Children Hospital in Springfield, Massachusetts. Read More…


Tyler Jones

Tyler Jones
